Review by Marlene Caraballo • By Jen Sincero, Running Press ~
How can we not love a book that touts being able to help us feel like we’re badass?! Beyond the title, Sincero manages to deliver on her promise! Reading this book was like having both a personal cheerleader and a life coach speaking directly into my ear throughout every page.
In this powerful personal growth self-help book, her words speak to those of us who want to hear the straight-up truth of how to unleash our inner badass (and yes, we all have one!).
Sincero begins the book describing her own struggles and how she overcame them and went on to become a New York Times bestselling author, motivational speaker and inspirational guru. Her voice is clear and her tone is no-nonsense. She grabs the reader by the collar with a tough love get-real-with-yourself-and-start-making-things-happen message. This five-part book is full of fresh ways for us to clarify what has been holding us back and then implement her advice on how to overcome our biggest challenges which are often are our own negativity and perceived limitations.
There wasn’t a page in this book that I did not love but a few chapters definitely stood out as favorites including Self-Perception is a Zoo, Forgive or Fester, Fear is for Suckers, and Remember to Surrender.
Laced among the many strong (and funny) words she writes, is the message that we can change our beliefs and behaviors to create and live a life we love. Her blunt, thought-provoking advice is so on-point that this is a book I will absolutely read more than once.
I give the book two big fat thumbs up for anyone – of any age – who enjoys a good sense of humor, wants to feel empowered to set new goals and kick some ass!