Creative Ways to Tell Your Grandchild ‘I Love You’
On Valentine’s Day or any day of the year

Valentine’s Day is a perfect reason to show your grandchild how much they are loved. Try these creative ideas to show how much you care on Valentine’s Day and throughout the year.

Heart-shaped lunch. Use a large, heart-shaped cookie cutter to make heart-shaped sandwiches, toast, and other treats. Your grandkids will love the shape and that you’ve eliminated the crust.
A cupful of love. Give your grandchild a happy face or an “I Love You” cup. Then use it whenever you serve hot cocoa or graham crackers and milk.
Do lunch. Pick up your grandchild from school for a surprise lunch date at their favorite fast-food joint or have a picnic at your favorite park or in a special spot in the backyard.

A wordsmith and didn’t know it. You don’t have to be a poet to write a poem for your grandchild. If poetry isn’t your thing, look up simple children’s rhymes. Then, make revisions suited for your grandkid. Whatever you choose, your grandchild will love your creativity in their honor.
Snail mail surprise. Kids love to get mail, so why not send a card, letter, or postcard?
Say it with email. Send your grandchild an email with a link to a fun website or a funny animated e-greeting. With the abundance of entertaining websites and free e-greetings, you can send something new every day of the year.
C is for— Make a poster portraying your grandkid’s characteristics. Put their name at the top. List as many positive descriptive words as possible that begin with your grandchild’s initial. Use a thesaurus to find oodles of words. (Example: Cassie— cute, caring, creative.) When you’re finished, laminate or frame the poster so they can hang it in their room.
Poetry Beginnings. Give a poetry book written for grandchildren geared to their age, for example, “I’ve Lost My Hippopotamus” by Jack Prelutsky and illustrated by Jackie Urbanovic. Kids love these hilarious poems! And who can resist Shel Silverstein?
One of my favorites is “Where the Sidewalk Ends,” a must-own classic poetry book. Another excellent choice is “My Thoughts Are Clouds: Poems on Mindfulness,” by Georgia Heard and illustrated by Isabel Roxas. Heard uses poetry to demonstrate mindfulness and gives children and their parents accessible ways to use mindfulness tools, from breathing to understanding thoughts and feelings and being in the present moment. To make it extra special, inscribe a unique message they can read over and over.

Love is silly. One thing that kids love and do best is act silly, so loosen up and join in the fun. If being silly isn’t your style, take a few lessons from your grandchild and practice up. Letting loose is a great way to reduce stress and to let kids know they’re fun to be around.
A class connection. As kids grow, together time becomes increasingly rare. Decide on an activity or hobby you can enjoy with your adolescent grandkid. Sign up for a class or set a regular schedule for the activity. Then mark it on your calendar.
A trip down memory lane. Flip through photo albums or watch family videos together, and reminisce about favorite holidays, vacations, and family times you’ve had together.
Eventful gifts. Buy tickets to a concert, ice show, or sporting event your grandkids have been eager to see. But keep it a secret. On the day of the event, say you’re all going out for dinner or some other concoction. Then, catch your grandkids by surprise when you arrive at your destination.

Flowers for her. Cut fresh flowers for your granddaughter to brighten her room and her day.
A favorite item or activity for him. Clip pictures of your grandson’s favorite sport, hobby, or interest from magazines and post them on a bulletin board for him to admire in his room.
Engrave your thoughts. Have a necklace or bracelet engraved for your grandchild. Include their name, your sentiments, and who it’s from.
Van Gogh in the making. Sift through your grandchildren’s art collection and select a piece to display. Then frame and hang it in a room for everyone to see.
Photos say a thousand words. Choose several pictures of your grandkid from infancy through the present. Use paper-edgers and trim them into different sizes and shapes. Overlap and tape them to the backing of a frame using double-sided tape. Then, add matting and frame the collage.
It’s in the wrapping. Don’t wait for a special occasion to give your grandchild a gift. Kids love presents, so the next time you pick up something for your grandchild, wrap it as a surprise. Don’t forget the ribbon, so it takes longer to unwrap. Include a small gift card that says how much you appreciate them.
Scrapbooking fun. Put together a memory scrapbook of your grandchild. Use photos, locks of hair, vacation postcards, and ticket stubs. Dedicate each page to a memorable holiday, event, or theme. Include dates and any details you remember, along with cute sayings and stickers to fit the themes.
Enjoy every minute with your grandkids on Valentine’s Day and on special occasions throughout the year.