Book Reviews

Book Review: Meeting the Muse After Midlife

A journey to meaning, creativity, and joy

Author: Sally Jean Fox
Book Review by: Marlene Caraballo

MeetingTheMuse AfterMidlife jpegMany of us know how winding the path to midlife can be. Sally Jean Fox’s book, “Meeting the Muse After Midlife,” reads like a four-star trail guide for that bumpy path. 

Fox takes us on a journey that hits on every possible emotion along a 50-plus-year journey. No matter the different circumstances of our lives, we all cling to one common thread—hope. If nothing else (and there’s plenty else), her writing and reflections give renewed hope to all of us sometimes weary travelers. This book is a testament that we’re all in this together, navigating the same emotional landscape of midlife.

Woven through the book are wisdom and insights from her muse. Fox’s muse reminds me of the crone, a wise old soul who finds the perfect thing to bring our attention to so that we can feel inspired when we would otherwise descend into melancholy. There is a theme of uplifting optimism for the years ahead, even when aging casts a very present and relatable shadow on us.

My favorite quote in this book, penned by Fox at age 68, sums up the beautiful message of hope in this tell-it-like-it-is book: 

“You can change your life by changing your story.” 

This is not just philosophical musing but practical advice that we can all apply in our lives, making it a genuinely empowering read.

I agree with Fox, and after reading this book, you likely will, too. As an eternal optimist, her reminders to think beyond our age, past the hard truths of life and aging, and embrace more creativity in our lives resonated with me, as she candidly describes herself doing.

A resounding two thumbs up from me! Enjoy this spirit-lifting must-read for us in our over-50s. Consider sharing it with a friend; they’ll thank you for it!


Marlene Caraballo

Marlene Caraballo is a practicing certified divorce coach, writer, speaker, and Reiki Master. She works with women facing any stage of divorce to manage intense emotions and to become informed and strategic decision-makers who can confidently advocate for themselves and their futures. She lives in sunny Naples, Florida, and is the mom to three grown sons. Find more about divorce support at or check out her Life After Fifty blog at

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