The Calm Within the Storm: Your Pets are Here For You

COVID-19, Isolation, and Worry, Oh My!
How much longer will we be staying at home? Will we ever get back to the way things were, and just what exactly does the “new normal” really mean?
Folks are struggling with so many unknowns, and the stress is showing.
But take a beat. Take a deep breath, or two, or three. The opportunity to experience the still center in the storm is right in front of you!
Learn from a page in your pets’ book of life.
Stay calm and keep your cool by living in the present moment.
Your pups and kitties understand the past is gone, and the future doesn’t exist yet. For them and you, in reality, there is only right here, right now!
Don’t worry, FIND happy!
Our beloved pets can bring us so much comfort and can remind us of our blessings and just how much love there is to both give and receive. Do as they do (and even with them): enjoy a nap, eat when hungry, watch and commune with nature, take walks, play, and snuggle! The simplicity of our pets’ lives is the perfect blueprint for how we get through this – together.
Your fur babies are so thrilled to have you all to themselves right now. It is pure heaven for them! Therefore, why not let them give you a little slice of heaven right back?
If you have wanted a fur baby, what better time than now to consider adopting from one of our local shelters? Dogs already know, but I believe that we humans also instinctively know how to get and give unconditional love in times of great need. And who better for companionship than a canine or feline friend to do just that?
To view pets, go online to your area animal shelter. When you find your perfect fur baby follow the directions on how to make an appointment to visit the shelter.