Health & Well-Being

OJAYA: The Ancient Anti-Anxiety Technique

Anxiety can be one of the most debilitating emotional concerns to plague you. Along with tension and nervousness, it’s growing increasingly common in people everywhere — no surprise in the frenzy and frazzle of our fast-paced digital age.

Maybe you’ve tried everything to rid yourself of anxiety. Pills are a temporary fix and have dulling, unwanted side effects. Talking about it sometimes makes it worse. Guided meditations and “calming” apps give you a few brief moments of short-term relaxation — as do walking in nature, reading a book, or pausing for a cup of tea.

Many people these days are turning to mindfulness to cope with their anxiety, emphasizing that you should “observe” and “accept” the anxiety. It’s good advice, but not nearly enough.

Yet none of these seems to permanently get to the root of the problem: To eradicate the anxiety once and for all.

So, what to do?

The ancient meditation masters taught that anxiety is the natural outcome whenever the harmony of your consciousness has become disturbed. Like the tense, grating sounds of an orchestra out of tune, you will naturally feel nervous and anxious whenever your inner harmony is shattered.

They advised rare techniques of deep meditation with powerful “Armor” mantras — soothing sounds that penetrate deep within your consciousness to attack and eradicate the source of the anxiety.

Like the harmonizing effects of sweet music, “Armor” mantras have the power to quickly dissolve and permanently eliminate the deep roots of anxiety — and restore your natural state of serene inner harmony.

The OJAYA “Amor” technique is totally different than any other meditation out there. First, it takes only 10-20 minutes to clear out the tension and stress that is bothering you right now. No long hours sitting in meditation!

Next, the OJAYA “Armor” mantra has three important features lacking in other meditations:

  • The “Armor” mantra pulls you gently deep within to a profound state of inner peace and rest — with no effort on your part. The mantra does all the work for you!
  • In this deep state of restfulness, the “Armor” mantra attacks stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression, and lethargy, to dissolve and wash it away.
  • The deep resonance of the OJAYA “Armor” mantra energizes the deeper levels of your consciousness, waking up levels of awareness, talents, and abilities that were sleeping inside you.

When you come to think about it, absolutely everything in your life is completely and totally dependent on the state of your consciousness. If you’re anxious, depressed, dark, and gloomy, then your entire life takes on that look and feel.

Contrast this with clean, clear, serene, energetic consciousness when you learn how to meditate deeply. And that’s the key: To meditate deeply and effortlessly.

The OJAYA “Armor” technique is profoundly different from the plethora of common “meditations” you’ll see popularized and commercialized everywhere. It’s not something you can learn in 15 minutes.

Instead, you’ll find that true meditation is a deeply relaxing step-by-step training that is pure joy from the very start.

If you choose to further investigate this method, check out the not-for-profit school of OJAYA Deep Meditation. It’s run by volunteers whose mission is to educate the public in the authentic OJAYA “Armor” meditation technique. Visit to learn more.


Sukaishi David

Sukaishi David teaches OJAYA, a rare ancient technique of deep meditation that is easy for everyone to learn and practice and bestows a calm state of mind and serene energy while living in a frazzled world. He hails from the early days of the Art of Living Foundation. This international organization holds special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. He was appointed President in 2000 and later went on to found the OJAYA School of Deep Meditation, which today offers powerful online meditation courses to students from around the globe. See

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