MILA BOOKSIT: Let’s Celebrate Thanksgiving

Photos by Johannah Luza ~
If there’s one thing Mila Vincent loves as much as reviewing theater, it’s reviewing books! Her new column, #MilaBooksIt, written with the help of her Grandmother Johannah Luza and our Theatrically Speaking columnist Nancy Churnin, debuts with a review of her new favorite Thanksgiving story.
“Let’s Celebrate Thanksgiving”
Authors: Peter and Connie Roop
Illustrator: Gwen Connelly
Publisher: Millbrook Press
Mila: I’m just learning to read so my grandma read most of the book, but we both laughed so much! There are riddles and fun facts about Thanksgiving all through the book. Did you know that 102 people were on the Mayflower boat with 20 sailors? It was so crowded! And a baby was born on the trip to America. His parents named him Oceanus! I thought that was funny.
The Indians were very nice to the Pilgrims and taught them how to grow corn and trap rabbits. The Pilgrims invited them to their first Thanksgiving. They were thankful for all the things the Indians taught them.
My favorite riddle in the book: “What’s the best way to eat turkey on Thanksgiving?”
Answer: Gobble it!!
You’ll have to read the book to find out more riddles and fun facts about this holiday!