MILA BOOKSIT: Two Picks for Black History Month

By Mila Vincent with Nancy Churnin~
Mila Vincent, our six-year-old book critic, is celebrating Black History Month by reading two books about Black heroes. She and her grandmother, Johanna Luza, enjoyed these books, and they think your kids will, too!
Beautiful Shades of Brown: The Art of Laura Wheeler Waring
Written by: Nancy Churnin
Illustrated by: Felicia Marshall
Published by: Creston Books/Lerner Books
Ages 7-9 years
Mila: Beautiful Shades of Brown is about a girl named Laura who can paint so well. She makes her brother pose for her and gives him mints so he will be still. She never sees any paintings of Black people in museums and she wants to see her art there. She gets her big chance and now her paintings are in famous museums. My favorite part is the end of the book when you see Laura Wheeler Waring’s paintings. They are so good! They look like real pictures of people instead of paintings.
Johannah: This book is a perfect example of the discrimination Black people faced in the past, and shows how these historic figures overcame racism and became well known. These are great books for Black History Month for both kids and adults!
Charlie Takes His Shot: How Charlie Sifford Broke the Color Barrier in Golf
Written by: Nancy Churnin
Illustrated by: John Joven
Published by: Albert Whitman & Company
Ages 5–7 years
Mila: Charlie Takes His Shot is about a man who couldn’t play on some of the golf courses just because of the color of his skin. I would have been so mad if I were him! Finally, he got to play with the white people in the big tournament. Now, other Black people can play golf because of Charlie. Tiger Woods is one of them. I have a fish named Tiger Woods! I liked the part where Charlie was practicing golf, because my Dad is a golfer and he showed me how to hold a golf club and swing, too.
Johannah: This book is a perfect example of the discrimination Black people faced in the past, and shows how these historic figures overcame racism and became well known. These are great books for Black History Month for both kids and adults!