MILA BOOKSIT: How to Catch a Dragon

By Mila Vincent with Nancy Churnin~
Mila Vincent, our six-year-old book critic, wanted to learn about the Chinese New Year, which starts on February 12 this year. Mila learned a lot from How to Catch a Dragon, and she was inspired to dress up in a Chinese costume and play with her dragon puppet. Here’s her review, followed by thoughts from her grandmother, Johannah Luza.
How to Catch a Dragon
Written by: Adam Wallace
Illustrated by: Andy Elkerton
Published by: Sourcebooks Wonderland
Mila: I liked this book because it had a dragon in it. When the family was getting ready to celebrate the Chinese New Year, the Grandma said a dragon brings health and good fortune. So the kids wanted to catch a dragon! They tried so many ways to catch one. I liked it when they made a trap with sticky rice; I love sticky rice, you should try it if you never have. You’ll have to read the book to find out if they caught the dragon!
Johannah: This book is cute and colorful! Kids will enjoy the rhyming verse. The illustrations are excellent, with humorous expressions on the children’s faces as they try to catch the dragon.