MILA BOOKSIT: Celebrating Earth Day—Everyday

By Nancy Churnin, Mila Vincent and Johannah Luza | Photos by Shayna Vincent ~
While Earth Day was April 22, every day is Earth Day — as it should be — for our six-year-old book critic, Mila Vincent. Mila enjoyed reviewing Earth Day, Birthday with her grandmother, Johannah Luza, who shares an April 22 birthday with the Earth! Mila and Johannah think your kids will like it too, no matter what day it is.
Earth Day, Birthday
Written by Maureen Wright
Illustrated by Violet Kim
Published by Two Lions
Mila: Earth Day is when you do things to take care of the Earth. All the animals in the forest wanted to clean up trash and make something called compost to help gardens grow. But the monkey kept saying it was his birthday and the other animals said, NO, it’s Earth Day!
I don’t know why the monkey was a little angry that his birthday was Earth Day. It would be cool to share birthdays with the Earth! Mimi’s birthday is Earth Day! If my birthday were Earth Day, I’d want a big globe cake, and we would plant trees at my party! In the book, they all did good things for the Earth, and guess what? The monkey finally got his cake, and they all got to celebrate his birthday!
Johannah: Earth Day, Birthday is a cute book about a monkey who had to share his birthday with Earth Day. The animals do some projects to help clean the forest. This adorable story sweetly teaches the children all about Earth Day.
Mila loves Earth Day and was excited to show off the strawberry plant she planted recently with a strawberry already showing! She also loves climbing the trees, a big part of Earth Day.