Health & Well-BeingLife & Lifestyle

This Year Can Be Your Best Year Ever!

When I was a kid, people said anyone over thirty was over the hill. Now, at fifty-four, I call B.S.

The “hill” is not any particular age, and when we reach the peak is different for everyone. Being over the hill is a choice. Our choice.

Midlife can be a time of personal growth and of renewed vigor — not a time to go downhill. If we want to have our best year after fifty, we must work for it. We need to mindfully commit to doing whatever it takes to make it happen.

So where to begin? Start by grabbing a notebook and writing down how you would describe your best year ever. Does it mean travel, returning to interests you’ve let slide, getting in shape, selling your home, or adopting a rescued animal? We can’t have our best year ever if we’re not honest and clear with ourselves about exactly what it would look like. What it would feel like.

Once you’ve written down, as specifically as possible, what would make the next twelve months your best year ever – it’s time to plan an attack. How will you methodically take steps each day, week, and month to make it happen? Commit to keeping track of your actions taken, no matter how small, toward making your best year ever a reality.

For example — if your best year ever involves getting into shape, your first action might be scheduling a check-up with your doctor for the all-clear. Following actions might be committing to walking a certain distance daily – gradually leading up to your fitness goal. You might end up doing a 5K! Or maybe your end goal is to be fit enough to go hiking with your kids or grandkids on a family vacation.

Dream big! Stop making excuses! Yes, this year can be your best year ever! The only obstacle you have is yourself. Now get going!

One day at a time, do the work and make it happen. A year from now, you’ll be celebrating your amazing year, incredible uphill progress, and completed goals!


Marlene Caraballo

Marlene Caraballo is an intuitive life coach, writer, speaker, and spiritual mentor, who works with women looking for soulful guidance to clear what’s blocking them so they can build confidence, master their mindset, and chase their dreams. She lives in rural Orange County, NY and is mom to three grown sons. She shares mindset tips at and blogs about life after fifty at Contact her at or on Instagram @_marlenecaraballo_.

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