
Harriet P. Gross

A proud native of Pittsburgh, PA, Harriet P. Gross began her journalism career in 1955 at The Jewish Criterion, a weekly paper in her home city. Moving to the Chicago area in 1957, she became a columnist and feature writer for STAR Publications, a leading twice-weekly newspaper serving the city’s southern sector and its suburbs to the south and west. After years of work as a full-time journalist in suburban Chicago, Harriet came to Dallas in 1980 following her marriage to the late attorney Fred Gross. Here she began freelancing. Among many special projects, she wrote the scripts for Jewish Family Service’s first video and Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas’ 100th anniversary video, and the text for Dallas Section, National Council of Women’s soon-to-be-published history book. Today, Harriet’s “In My Mind’s I” column runs weekly in the Texas Jewish Post. She has won writing awards from the Press Club of Dallas, American Jewish Press Association, National Federation of Press Women, Illinois Woman’s Press Association and Press Women of Texas, and has been listed in five Who’s Who publications. In her community today, Harriet is a book reviewer, discussion leader, and program presenter for clubs, senior living facilities, and Jewish institutions including the JCC’s Senior Program, and after years on its Board, she was named a Life Member of the Dallas Jewish Historical Society. She holds a B.A. in writing and secondary education from the University of Pittsburgh and an M.A. in humanities from the University of Texas at Dallas, plus certification in Jewish education from Spertus College of Judaica, Chicago. Harriet was widowed in 2014. She has two children, five grandchildren, and two great-grandsons.
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