Life & Lifestyle

A Healthy Balance

Knowing when to push yourself and when to take a break

Realizing your potential, growing personally, and feeling fulfilled by accomplishments make life worth living. However, many need help finding a balance amid long to-do lists and overly ambitious, often unfinished projects.

We don’t always know when to keep pushing ourselves forward and when the most productive choice is to take a break. Navigating toward balance is essential for feeling productive and purposeful and maintaining overall well-being. Let’s explore three ways to help you navigate the push-pull of wanting to be productive while preventing burnout.

1.  Listen to Your Body and Mind

Your body and mind are constantly communicating with you. Pay attention to physical symptoms such as persistent fatigue, headaches, or muscle tension. Mentally, watch for signs of burnout, including irritability, lack of motivation, and difficulty concentrating. These signals indicate that your body and mind are stressed and need a time-out.

Tip: Leave some unscheduled time in your day. Don’t fill your planner with back-to-back activities. Plan for several points throughout your day when you can pause, assess your feelings, and decide if it might be time to recharge.

2.  Evaluate Your Productivity and Performance

Performance and productivity are often considered indicators of success, but pushing too hard can lead to diminishing returns. If you find that despite your exhausting efforts on a particular task or project, your results are lessening, it might be an invitation to step away from the task for a bit instead of pushing harder.

Tip: Track your patterns using productivity journals or habit-tracking apps to monitor your goals and activities. This can help you see your progress and victories over time and notice where you may be overdoing it. Remember, quality over quantity!

3.  Align with Your Long-Term Goals

Ambitious goals require consistent effort, but they also demand sustainability. Reflect on your long-term objectives and whether your current pace is aligned with achieving them. Sacrificing your well-being for short-term gains can jeopardize your overall success and health.

Tip: Ensure your actions today support your future aspirations. If pushing forward jeopardizes your long-term vision, taking a break or pulling back might be the wisest choice to maintain a steady, sustainable path.

Remember that the journey to feeling fulfilled, impactful, and reaching your fullest potential is a marathon, not a sprint.

Balance2 W
Take a break during the day to tune in to your needs.

Seeking the Balance

Balance usually comes more readily when you’re tuned into your needs. This means regularly checking in to see how you feel. Tuning into your needs also includes prioritizing quality sleep, good nutrition, physical activity, and daily mindfulness.

By checking in with yourself regularly throughout the day, you give yourself the grace to have spurts of enthusiastic energy, action-taking periods, and invitations to step away when needed. All are equally acceptable. No guilt, zero shame.

Remember that the journey to feeling fulfilled, impactful, and reaching your fullest potential is a marathon, not a sprint. Seek the balance of being human, not a machine. Engage in the dance between having ambitions and allowing yourself to back off. A healthy balance is knowing how and when you need to recharge to enjoy whatever you do and accomplish more thoroughly.

Cheers to living with balance!


Marlene Caraballo

Marlene Caraballo is an intuitive life coach, writer, speaker, and spiritual mentor, who works with women looking for soulful guidance to clear what’s blocking them so they can build confidence, master their mindset, and chase their dreams. She lives in rural Orange County, NY and is mom to three grown sons. She shares mindset tips at and blogs about life after fifty at Contact her at or on Instagram @_marlenecaraballo_.

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