‘Tis the Season… Give of Yourself

During this season of giving and joy, we are furiously working on holiday shopping, social events, and spending time with family and friends. Many of us in the throes of all the preparations, we rack our minds for gift giving ideas for those in our lives.
Many seniors, who may be on fixed incomes, also share those same concerns – what do I buy or whom do I even give a gift. I’d like to suggest some creative shopping – some of which won’t even entail standing in line and may not cost a lot of money!
The value of time and energy cannot be underestimated by anyone. I challenge each one of you to consider giving your time to a senior and consider the following “gifts”:
A thorough housecleaning –
- Cleaning those difficult to reach base boards
- Moving the favorite chair to vacuum underneath,
- Cleaning out the fridge – checking to see what may be lurking on that low shelf, at the back in the margarine container
- Giving a gift certificate for a trip to the beauty shop or barber, with lunch included at their favorite restaurant.
Other needed items that you may want to consider –
- A good oil-based moisturizer to help with the dryness that comes along with aging skin, and possibly worsening in the winter season.
- A book or two of stamps for the seniors who are not paying their bills on line
- A box of blank note cards so they can write others, filling in their sentiments of thank you, I miss you or whatever befits the occasion.
- A gift card to their local pharmacy, despite healthcare reform, they will still have out of pocket costs for many medications, prescriptions as well as over the counter medicines.
In giving gifts to others, we are often rewarded ourselves by a warm hug, a grateful smile as well as a heartfelt thank you. No wrapping required for this priceless gift of giving!
Happy Holiday to all!