Health & Well-Being

Reimagining Self-Expression

Being your truest self

Reimagining self-expression begins with reimagining who or what the self that is us is expressing. Too much time is spent seeing life from a dreamy, disempowered human perspective. We feel small, broken, incapable, and flawed, which translates into placating angry behaviors and a desire to be invisible or invincible. We are here to learn lessons, become enlightened or saved, and seek something to fix/heal/or overcome our human limitations. 

But this is not who or what we are. The self is our unique expression of life, our deepest, highest self. The self we express — the spiritual strength, wisdom, beauty, joy, and love — is the very truth of our being. As Richard Bach calls us, we are the “game-playing, fun-having creatures; we are the otters of the universe.”

We are the way the universe becomes aware of itself as the creative self, the impulse and love behind all creation. This means you are neither broken, flawed, incapable, or small. Your spirit is the self as YOU. Your mission is to express the unique way love and life are showing up as you.

So here we are, in Earth school, in the physical universe along the space-time continuum. Our freedom of self-expression is our ability to make choices and decisions. It is also then the experience of unintended consequences. Our learning from outcomes educates us in the quality of our choices — are they in alignment with the deep self of love that we are, or are they trying to fill the place within us that believes in the reality of our isolation and disconnection? 

To overcome the limitations of our human perspective, we have to think outside the box, which is all the rage in creative and leadership circles. So, as we navigate the world and find ourselves in the now, we must think even further outside the box. 

Exploring our spirit as a conscious awakening is about as far out of the box as possible—but what if every problem was something new wanting to grow?  What if every challenge was simply an opportunity to practice the magic of manifestation? What if every moment of despair was our soul’s reminder that we are standing in the wrong place? What if the infinite calls us back to our most authentic self when we feel broken, disconnected, or inadequate?

Plato said all learning is simply remembering. What if we are constantly invited to remember who and what we genuinely are? Our culture has become overly psychologized and addicted to self-improvement. Your unique self cannot and does not need to be improved, for it is made of stardust and is the clarion call of life to become more and more than ever.

Understanding, awareness, and skills can be improved. Unfortunately, all these take discipline, time, and practice. Most of us, as adults, need to remember how to learn new things. We feel awkward. We feel like it means we need to do it better. We cling to what we know. And most damaging of all, we want to master it quickly. And we think all this means it doesn’t work or isn’t worth doing.

Ultimately, our human life is about the journey, not the destination. I know it’s a cliché, but it’s one of the truest you’ll ever learn. We are not just here to create but also to enjoy life. This is why our humanness is so beautiful, unique, and necessary. Our humanity is the window through which love moves in and enjoys creation. 

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Embrace your true self to experience love and humanity.

Our bodies, senses, feelings, energies, and thoughts are how we take in and experience the creations we have expressed individually and collectively. Our humanity allows us to appreciate and know that we love all the ways the self shows up as other people, other beings, and all of life. Without our humanity, we would be disembodied souls, a self without expression, and there would be no way to experience the love that is the heartbeat of life. 

So, let us stop trying to improve or fix ourselves. Instead, let us learn to be in the moment, savor the experiences, grow from the feedback, and repeatedly seek to make decisions that co-create heaven right here. 

This self-expression is rich, fulfilling, and profoundly impacts all of life around us. Your self-expression makes a difference to your soul and the soul of life. Be your most authentic self!


Rev. Dr. Petra Weldes

Rev. Dr. Petra Weldes has been walking a spiritual path for over 40 years and has brought countless students into a richer, spiritually grounded living. She is a dynamic and inspiring speaker and teacher, presenting in spiritual and leadership settings nationally and internationally. Dr. Petra has published numerous articles and co-authored two books with Rev. Dr. Christian Sorensen. Dr. Petra has a passion for youth, service, inclusion, peace, environment, conscious leadership, global transformation, and expanding consciousness. She is currently serving as Co-Spiritual Director at CSLDallas, a Center for Spiritual Living. | |

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