Now is the Perfect Time to Contemplate Your Next Move

2020 has been a challenging year. For those who were employed and enjoying one of the strongest economies in U.S. history, the global pandemic sent shockwaves through the intersection of business and commerce.
But, if your career arc, to date, can be represented as acts of a play, this might be considered a brief intermission.
Anthropological researchers have a fancier word for it: Liminality. It’s a state of transition between one stage and the next — and it doesn’t have to leave you feeling anxious, worried, or scared about what the future may hold, as long as you keep an open mind.
For most people, self-reflection is an underused exercise. We’re so focused on our families, kids, and sports leagues, or on pleasing others, that we never take the time to assess our own needs and satisfaction. Could that be why so many people are unhappy?
If the past few months have been — or might still become — a time of reflection on your life, career, and financial goals, you owe it to yourself to explore your possibilities. Here’s a simple exercise. Write down answers to the following five questions:
1. When it comes to my career and life plan, have I been consistently resistant to change?
2. Am I doing what makes me happy?
3. If I had financial stability, what would I choose to do to maintain my lifestyle and income?
4. Am I willing to put a little time and effort into exploring my personal development?
5. Do I have the courage to begin doing something about it?
Those of us who have reached our mid-life milestone have been blessed. It should be a time of reflection, but also one wherein new possibilities are still within your reach. You don’t have to settle. There’s still time to chart the path in life you’ve always dreamed about.
In my job, I’ve been fortunate to guide many people through career transitions to a future of entrepreneurism through franchise ownership.
Firsthand experience has taught me the 50+ generation has a keen eye for serving people and getting results. And they believe that proven and tested methods provide predictive evidence for success.
Everyone’s situation is unique. If you’re willing to explore your boundaries, imagine a different set of circumstances, and embark upon a new career act, there’s no better time than the present. You might find a different path that perfectly matches your lifestyle, financial goals, and desires for a better work-life balance.
I see such success every day.
So, during this time of uncertainty, don’t be afraid to contemplate your next move.