My Journey to Wholeness

Do you ever think about how you ended up at this exact point? When I attended college to complete an undergraduate and master’s degree, I joined the ranks of the corporate world. Convinced that marketing was my one true passion, I pursued my career with enthusiasm, and opportunities to travel the world for some great companies quickly followed. I had it all figured out and was doing all the right things in the correct order. Unbeknownst to me, an abrupt change in my life was coming right around the corner.
Everything I thought I knew was up for debate. Health challenges with my loved ones ensued, shifting my passion from a flourishing career to a sole focus on healing my family. I was down an unfamiliar path and at the mercy of the information from mainstream physicians, specialists, therapists, and the beginnings of Google.
While I was grateful for the thorough testing, diagnoses, and therapies, the progress for my loved ones was slow, and the answers to my many questions were not satisfactory. My thirst for knowledge and understanding escalated to a fever pitch, leading me to find those remaining answers through alternative, functional, integrative, and homeopathic medicine partners.
At this point, I became aware of the world of energy medicine, a layer of healing you can achieve by intertwining the physical and emotional, the past and future. The recovery of my loved ones exceeded every hope that I had for their future, thanks to their individual will and the efforts of the ENTIRE village that surrounded us.
However, the celebration did not last long. I was in for another surprise.
After burning the candle at both ends, my health began to fail. Having poured myself into an uncharted path to help my loved ones, I neglected my own care. This time, I pulled from the all-too-familiar modalities to help myself find balance again.
I came from a weary place, and my slow progress left me feeling frustrated. As though by kismet, I met a reiki master at a crystal shop. As we talked, little did I know that she would introduce me to my path to wholeness.
All my attempts to heal myself felt like they were standing still; reiki placed those pieces together and made way for the deep healing I needed to recover.
I became so enthralled with the method that I pursued each level of reiki training and earned my last degree as a reiki master, discovering my ultimate passion for moving energy along the way.
What does it mean to move energy? Many cultures, religions, and science alike acknowledge a life energy in us all. We move energy daily when physically moving our bodies and in conversations with others.
In reiki, how that energy flows throughout a person is most important. Interrupting this flow at times are memories from past events, worries about the future, and physical or emotional traumas.
Reiki can help make a conscious connection to that energy that no longer serves you and will help you move it along so that healing can occur at your very core. A reiki master is attuned to this life energy through training and practice incorporating key hand positions, Japanese reiki symbols, and intuition to help you move energy and achieve the balance you deserve.
In retrospect, my three passions existed at the “right” time and in the “right” order for me.
My first passion for marketing laid the foundation for the research skills I needed for my second passion to heal my family.
To this day, I draw from all my past experiences to take my ultimate passion of moving energy for myself and others further, finding gratitude for all that I learned along the way.
Join us for our next edition of fyi50+ when we discover more about The Reiki Appeal.