Job Search Tips for 50 and Over

Think Positive and Go For It!
If you’ve ever thought or said to yourself, “No one’s going to hire me at my age,” then you’re probably right.
Why? Because you allowed self-defeating thoughts to enter your head.
If you want to achieve the impossible, build your “positive muscle” and go for it. When you think positive, the universe has a way of bringing positive things to you. Winston Churchill said it best: “The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”
Here Are 4 Tactics for the 50+ Job Seeker
1. Graduate your résumé.
Putting your education, GPA, and graduation date at the top of your résumé is for college students only. They put it there because college is usually their ONLY experience, thus far. Putting this information at the top shows your age – something somone over 50 does not want to immediately call attention to. It also shows you have not kept up with how to market yourself in today’s job economy. Instead, place that information at the bottom of your resume. But before you do, drop the GPA and dates attended, if it’s not within the last three years.
2. Make your résumé ageless.
For those later on in years, it is important not to list every job you have ever had, especially those that are obsolete. Keep your jobs to the last 10-15, or even 20, years if the position(s) are relevant. Including more highlights your age and overwhelms the reader — and we sure don’t want to do that. A great résumé gives the crème de la crème of your skills, talents, abilities, and results. It is not a laundry list of all that you have done.
3. Showcase your results.
As a seasoned career professional, your past is on your side. Recruiters and hiring managers are seeking those who have a proven record of achieving results. They are not looking for those who say they “can” do the job. They are looking for those who have done the job — with the proof to support it. So, go ahead and boast. Use quantitative and/or qualitative results in both your résumé and the interview.
4. Update your look.
Presentation is everything. People judge a book by its cover. If your style of clothes, hair, and makeup is from the 80s, 90s and early 2000s, it’s time for a makeover. And, yes, even if you paid a lot of money for that suit, dress, or shirt long ago, it’s still dated. You don’t have to look 20, or even 30. But, looking modern for your 50+ age will go a long way. Make an investment in yourself; if necessary, consider hiring a professional stylist to create a modern look for you.
All in all, it is possible to land a job at 50 or over. You just have to go about your search in a different way while exercising patience.
And we’re here to help. If you need us, go to to book your Discovery Call today.