Grandparents Play an Irreplaceable Role in Our Lives and Our Hearts

Grandparents hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever
Grandparents Day falls on Sunday, September 13, and celebrates the connections between the generations.
The role grandparents play in the lives of young children is essential. Even as adults, we remember the feeling of curling up in a grandparent’s lap or getting just a little spoiled by them with covert treats and a knowing wink. Grandparents — and their hugs, smiles, and laughs — hold a special place in a child’s heart.
Building Positive Relationships
One-on-one quality time with Grandma or Grandpa affords children special attention, gives parents a break, and teaches about positive role models. This emotional and social support is deeply beneficial to developing children.
Grandparents who live far away from their grandchildren can maintain a close relationship through frequent visits and phone calls, writing letters, video chatting through online services, and emails.
The Bond Between Children and Their Grandparents Benefits Everyone
Studies have shown that grandparents who have a close bond with their grandchildren are less likely to experience anxiety, loneliness, and depression. Children who have loving and engaged grandparents are also less likely to struggle with these conditions.
Through time spent together, both grandparents and grandchildren report feeling happier and more satisfied in life. A majority of adults credit their grandparents for playing a pivotal role in shaping their beliefs, values, morals, and attitudes.
We Wouldn’t Be Here Without Them
Let’s be real: If it weren’t for our grandparents, we wouldn’t be here. Our grandparents raised our parents and made time to spoil us when we were little. It is only fair we return the favor now.
“If you’re lucky enough to still have grandparents, visit them, cherish them, and celebrate them while you can.” – Regina Brett