Expand Your Capacity for Love

My son was adopted 20 years ago at 6 months old. I realized he was the only child I could adopt, and I enjoyed every minute of raising him. It wasn’t long before he began asking “those questions” that only a 2-year-old would ask and continue to ask until he hit those terrifying teen years. There was one query that he continued to pursue. We had two Boston terriers, and he would implore, “Which do you love more, Scout or Izzy?”
I paused for a few seconds and contemplated before answering, “I love them both the same.” My son continued to ask me the same question year after year, intent on finding a hierarchy.
As I studied to become a spiritual life coach, I learned how to explain my answer better. Love issues from the spiritual realm; in my eyes, love is interchangeable with the word God or divine. Because it’s spiritual, it’s not something we can physically touch or pack into a box. Try as we might, we can’t package or sell it on a shelf. It is of the spiritual world. It knows no limitations or boundaries. I choose to love, or I choose not to love. It’s either 100% or not at all. I loved and still love my dogs the same amount. I may have loved Scout for her spunk and Izzy for her nuzzling, but one is not greater. My affection for them is equal, for love is without limits.
Our challenge with spirit is we want to apply physical characteristics. We wish to weigh and measure it, but it is without measure. Love is more than a religion, skin color, sex, sexual orientation, geographic location, or political belief. We either choose to love or choose not to love.
I try my best to see love in everyone and everything. It’s not easy when someone cuts you off in traffic or pushes ahead in a line. Yes, I still get triggered and find myself in that place of no love, but I have learned to move back into the spiritual space of love as quickly as possible. We choose to see love, or we don’t.
Recently, I adopted a new street dog into our existing pack of two. Yes, I now have three dogs. Baxter has slipped into our family with ease and grace. As I drink my coffee on the couch in the morning, he lays next to my other dogs. We are a new family, a bit larger but not less in affection. I love him just as much as the two dogs I raised from puppies. I already love them equally.
This experience has made me reflect on our capacity for infinite love and how we often set limits without realizing it.
Is there a place in your life where you limit your love? You may have decided that you can only donate to a few non-profits or lack energy for another hobby or interest. Have you recently canceled an outing with a friend because you felt you didn’t have enough time?
Buy a gift for someone in your life, even if they are not the easiest to love. Expand the space for love in your life and recognize that love is unlimited. Is there a place in your life where you can expand your capacity for love? I promise you. Love is in endless supply.
Expanding love can include taking a deep breath, letting go, and relaxing when someone aggressively cuts you off in traffic. Each small effort does count.

For an intriguing exploration of emotion and creativity, experience Miller’s captivating solo art exhibit, “The Love RollerCoaster.”
Where: Charles W. Eisemann Center | 2351 Performance, Richardson
When: Now through October 27
Extra: Planning a group outing? Contact C.J. Miller at 214.395.8002 to schedule a personalized tour for your group.
Meet the Artist Event
Mark your calendar to attend a soft opening event featuring a meet-and-greet reception with artist CJ Miller. The exhibit is open to the public.
When: Friday, September 6 | 6–8 PM
Meet the Artist Reception
When:Friday, October 4 | 6-8 PM