Health & Well-Being

Colin Milner Inspires with Expert Advice on Active Aging

CC Young Senior Living recently hosted Colin Milner, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the International Council on Active Aging. The event drew a packed room of seniors eager to learn how to live better and longer lives.

In his presentation, Milner shared five ways to reduce chronic health diseases by over 90 percent:

    • Do not smoke!
    • Exercise 30 minutes a day.
    • Maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI).
    • Eat well.
    • Drink alcohol in moderation.

Milner also noted that people often significantly underestimate or overestimate their potential longevity. With many individuals living into their 100s, it becomes challenging to anticipate future retirement needs, both financially and health-wise. But planning, no matter what you know or do not know about the future, helps.

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Healthy aging positively impacts social connections and societal growth.

“We have a much greater human potential than ever thought possible,” Milner said, mentioning his 111-year-old grandmother who recently passed away. He emphasized the impact a healthier aging population will have on our society.

After touring the CC Young Senior Living campus, Milner remarked, “As I travel and see other senior living communities around the world, I don’t see many with opportunities for engagement like you have here.”

He also explained that the term ‘active adult’ refers to seniors who can still care for themselves and are independent. This population grows exponentially as the Baby Boomer generation enters the senior living marketplace.

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Wise dietary decisions are vital for maintaining an active adult lifestyle.

Making wise lifestyle choices, including diet and exercise, will be vital to maintaining this active adult status. “You have to earn your health span and an extra 30 years of longevity by making good choices,” he said.  You have the power in yourself to do it.


Michelle Metzger

Michelle Metzger covers senior living, healthy living, and innovation topics. She lives in the Dallas area and is a graduate from Southern Methodist University.

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