Become a CASA Volunteer and Change a Child’s Life

“We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.”
–Winston Churchill
Giving back to your community is vital at any age, but it often prompts deep introspection for recent retirees.
Retirees waking up on their first day face a new reality: no meetings, urgent calls, emails, or deadlines. How do you fill the hours between waking and bedtime?
For the 14% of CASA volunteers over 60, supporting abused and neglected children provides purpose and a way to stay active. Here, three longtime volunteers share what inspired them to join CASA and what keeps them going after over a decade.
When Linda Haworth Nichols, 71, began exploring CASA, she sought a way to refocus her life as her 29-year marriage was ending. “I needed to get out of my own way,” she said. A chance viewing of “Dr. Phil” introduced her to CASA founder Judge David Soukup, inspiring her to apply. Eleven years and 18 cases later, Nichols says, “I got myself out of the way.”
Aware of the time involved in being a Court Appointed Special Advocate, Nichols completed the training before fully committing. “You shouldn’t finish the training if it’s not for you,” she advised. “If it feels like a burden or makes you sad all the time, this work isn’t a good fit.” Nichols describes the role as “detective work,” gathering information from various sources while remaining emotionally aware. “Every case is different,” she said, recounting experiences with families from diverse backgrounds. When asked how she handles the sadness she witnesses, Nichols said, “By the time the child gets to me, they’re safe.” A Dallas native and private chef, Nichols recruits volunteers, particularly men aged 50 to 65.
Doug Bily, 84, has been a CASA volunteer for 16 years. He got involved because “my wife, Rose, told me to, and I always do what Rose says,” he quipped. With 38 years in the insurance field, Bily was comfortable helping people but faced challenges early on when a judge ruled against his recommendation in his first case. It nearly sent him packing. Encouraged by his supervisor to persevere, he saw positive outcomes in subsequent cases that reignited his commitment.
Bily meets with children and caregivers regularly. In one case, a woman complained that her foster child was acting out at school. Bily discovered the 8-year-old’s misbehavior stemmed from not being able to see the board at school. Once fitted with glasses, the behavior improved. Now deeply involved in recruiting volunteers, Bily focuses on supporting young adults who age out of the foster system at 18.
Lyn Thomas, 64, has been a dedicated CASA volunteer for a decade. One of her cases began when the child was 15; today, she is 20 and maintains regular contact with Thomas.
Although foster care typically ends at 18, some children ask to remain in the system. Now independent with a job and an apartment, Thomas’s former charge maintains regular contact with her, illustrating the enduring CASA bond.
When Thomas first joined CASA, she felt nervous about visiting unfamiliar homes but gained confidence through her supervisor’s reassurance.
With a paralegal background, Thomas was well-equipped for CASA. She believes retirees from all backgrounds should volunteer because there is a need for advocates for children. As the “squeaky wheel,” Thomas ensures children receive the necessary support and counseling.

As children grow older, Thomas noted that “the conversations change.” Topics with older kids often include job options, life after high school, and more. She speaks with her former charge several times weekly and sees her twice a month.
Thomas, Nichols, and Bily have found that giving back is rewarding. Each one points out that no special skills are required except for the ability to love a child.
CASA is now exploring new avenues with older children as it develops an advocate program at places like UNT.
Thomas expressed frustration with the slow foster care system but acknowledged some progress. She calls for greater accountability across the board.
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Make a Difference in a Child’s Life as a CASA Volunteer
Thomas expressed frustration with the slow foster care system, including a federal case involving 9,000 children that has dragged on for 13 years. “The system needs urgency,” she said, though she acknowledged progress, such as courts dedicated to children in care for over a year. Still, she calls for greater accountability across the board.
Thomas, Nichols, and Bily have found that giving back is rewarding. Each emphasizes that no special skills are required except for the ability to love a child.
Try it; the rewards are many.