
Kate Miner Moebel

Kate Miner Moebel is a singer, songwriter, worship leader, teacher, mentor, and matriarch who is not afraid to say what is good and what is not in all areas of life. With her love for Jesus and the arts, both a patron and creator, Kate serves on the board of Art House Dallas and actively participates in its programming. Before her retirement in 2021, Kate worked in vocational ministry at several churches, closing out her career at Munger Place Church in East Dallas. Once named Female Acoustic Artist of the Year, Kate has written and published six albums. She now uses her gifts to lead her beloved Kate Miner Orchestra and to help raise funds and awareness for her greatest passion, curing Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Kate loves cooking and caring for her immediate family of 20+, golfing poorly, perpetually learning French, and spending time with her perfect grandchildren.
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