Weddings & Celebrations

Love and Light Emerge

A celebrating of the holidays

We love to celebrate the holidays for many reasons. 

There is beauty in ritual, spiritual richness in the message, and comfort in tradition. More importantly, each holiday we celebrate invites us into a deeper metaphysical exploration of spirit, love, oneness, and awakened consciousness. 

There is, of course, all the usual focus on decorations, music, food, and special gatherings. But underneath the trappings, you will find a powerful current running from the soul of ancient times into our hearts today. 

Join us all month as we experience the eternal emergence of love and light in the world. 

Feeling a False Cheer 

For some, the holidays are a time of quiet despair and deep sadness. Sitting around the family table at Thanksgiving, the dysfunctions are apparent. The gap created by illness, separation, and death is unmistakable. 

We may struggle to find gratitude or cheer. We may never find joy at this time of year. Whether this is an annual state of affairs or the result of a change this year, we recognize that life isn’t always magical, and miracles aren’t guaranteed. 

It is a time to find or create a gentle ritual and community to let our soul speak, and our heart be seen. It’s essential to surround oneself with people of compassion and empathy who aren’t immersed in the struggle and can stand with us in love and hope. 

Emerging Love: Chanukah & Bodhi Day 

Eastern and Western traditions meet in a celebration of the strength of commitment and the power of faith. 

Chanukah affirms the miracle of the eternal light outside the ordinary way we understand the world. 

Bodhi Day celebrates Buddha’s enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, finding a middle path between polarizing extremes. 

In his case, it was constant battle between the value of achieving spiritual wealth and material wealth. 

Love emerging brings the realization that things aren’t always as they seem, invites those of us who are outside the box and entices us to live from a radically different set of values. 

In this expanded yet perilous state, we are available to a greater love and a deeper awareness than ever before. These days, we live on the polarized edge of the unknown. Our safety lies outside the box of our echo chambers and in the heart of an ever-emerging love. 

The Emergence of Cosmic Light: Pagan & Wiccan Winter Solstice  

Today, in our climate-controlled homes and businesses, we are far removed from changing seasons and creeping darkness. Yet our climate is seriously going out of control, and there is a darkness in the heart of our culture. 

The ancient northern peoples beat their drums in defiance of the dark and lit their bonfires to call for the return of the light. And the light returned! — This is the cosmic light we celebrate in defiance of our fear or despair. 

This year, let us light a bonfire of truth in our hearts so that our flame may awaken humanity and bring hope to our future. 

The Coming of the Cosmic Christ  

Humanity has been awed by shamans, shamed by priests, and has longed for saviors. Wise women, enlightened gurus, and spiritual teachers have continually lifted our hearts and fed our souls. 

Over the centuries, ancient wisdom and new thought have become woven together, bringing a new awareness of truth that frees our minds and awakens our spirits. Yet there is more to come. An emergence is now called for — a coming of the cosmic Christ — celebrate with us as we answer the call! 

The Emerging Beloved Community: Kwanzaa 

Light and love are not just abstract principles or pious spiritual ideals. They are only made real by the grit and pressure of connection and community. 

It is easy to be enlightened alone, but as we all know, wherever two or more gather, differences appear. 

Spiritual maturity is most evident when we actualize love and light amidst discord. Oneness is most apparent when we live from love in caring for and respecting others. Wholeness is most evident when we bring light to our impact on the community in which we live. 

The principles of Kwanzaa bring forward the integrity of the ancestors into our challenging world today. 

We are part of the emerging beloved community every day that we affirm, commit to, and actualize love and light in our dealings with the planet, our nation, and each other.  


Rev. Dr. Petra Weldes

Rev. Dr. Petra Weldes has been walking a spiritual path for over 40 years and has brought countless students into a richer, spiritually grounded living. She is a dynamic and inspiring speaker and teacher, presenting in spiritual and leadership settings nationally and internationally. Dr. Petra has published numerous articles and co-authored two books with Rev. Dr. Christian Sorensen. Dr. Petra has a passion for youth, service, inclusion, peace, environment, conscious leadership, global transformation, and expanding consciousness. She is currently serving as Co-Spiritual Director at CSLDallas, a Center for Spiritual Living. | |

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