Donna L. Sorkin
Donna L. Sorkin, M.A., is the executive director of the American Cochlear Implant Alliance (ACIA), a national organization devoted to expanding access to cochlear implantation for all who may benefit. She hears with a cochlear implant and has a long career in advocacy for people with hearing loss at nonprofits, including as former executive director of HLAA and for-profit entities. She has served on federal, corporate, and university boards, including the U.S. Access Board as a presidential appointee, the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders at the National Health Advisory Board, and the Gallaudet University Advisory Board.
Health & Well-BeingDonna L. SorkinApril 5, 2023
Medicare Expansion Benefits Seniors with Hearing Loss
Q&A with Donna L. Sorkin and Ann Liming: Cochlear Implant Recipient In September 2022, Medicare expanded its cochlear implant (CI)…
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